Saturday, April 21, 2007

rock out!

If you constantly have to keep reminding yourself why you hate this person, then it means that you dont really have a good reason for hating the person right? ...which kinda means that you are not supposed to hate the person cause you dont have a specific reason. but for some reason you just hate the goddamn person with a burning passion of a thousand suns.

-well technically you lose track of the countless amount of stupid shit the person has put u through. you dont want to kill yourself so u give up on the counting. kinda go crazy and totally forget why u are mad at the person because keeping track of too many things just blows up your mind.

weird theory, but true. you probably didnt get that. nevermind.

anyway dont worry people, im not dead. school resumed on wednesday and of course half the campus didnt show up . I DID! IM SO BRAVE! I WOULD HAVE STOOD IN FRONT OF the nearest exitA BULLET AND ran away PROTECTED EVERYONE!

Prayers goes out to Virginia tech from ASU. We had a vigil outside hayden hall. It was so so so sad :(

yeah so yesterday was pretty interesting. with the rockconcert at tempe. it was right by my school! we rocked out late!!! and i got home at 2am..fucking couldnt see on the freeway so thankgod nicole drove. then we caught the band on the freeway too and kept honking at each other. we wanted to play overtaking but i was too tired and nicole is sucha wuss!!

k: just overtake them seriously i'll watch out for cars
n: omgomgomgomgomgomgomg im too scared!
k: arghgh cmon duuude
n: do you wanna fucking die on the freeway?!!


k: not really.
n: exactly! so shut up!

(5 seconds later)

nicole overtakes them...

and then we just kept over taking each other till we got off the freeway HAHA