On behalf of all the gorgeous ladies -inside and out, I am here to educate the world that just because you are materialistic doesnt mean that you are superficial. right? RIGHT. NOW GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD. There IS a difference between walking around with designer whatnots labelled all over you AND being a shallow superficial narrow minded everything memememe person.
You know whats funny. I've realised how materialistic college has made me. You have to admit, you see this ugly pair of shoes at this store and you look closer, it has "CHANEL" imprinted on it..suddenly it becomes so pretty. what nonsence right! but i wasnt like that before. If something was ugly, it stayed ugly...till Janelle introduced me to this weird- um theory?
Jan: okay this is how it works. You see a shoe/bag/clothing item thats hideous on the exterior. You arent shallow as you were before, so u decided to give it a chance..you take a closer look, and you get to know it and fall in love with the "inner" beauty. (what rubbish) You see it's soul...you feel its passion..
hahah yeah sure. you decide to take a look at its "inner" beauty once you see the big fat GUCCI on it. LOL.
and why the hell do we buy such expensive things we only use ONCE?! ugh..
tml is SUGAR RUSH party at com230 come come come!
my dad is seriously living the life! hahahah hes gone back to his mid twenties, hes spending spring break in Miami, Florida - like THE place to go crazy and he called me last night to say he was at HOOTERS! HOLYFUCKINGSHIT. when did my dad become rad?! and since hes a "bachelor" right now, it means freedom for me till reality strikes him! (hopefully not too soon)
bye hotties!