I have been getting sick of alot of things recently. Its getting me so cranky and i just want to burst..i find myself crying with no tears. Things/people are so frustrating. and i completely hate it when they make a point. i hate it when i know they're somewhat right. I HATE IT!
I realise im not a "next time" person. I just cant do next times! When i want something, and im almost broke, i will still get it because i dont believe in a next time. I will go places when i want to, because there is no next time. and even if there is, its so stupid!! Just like that one story, when you buy a top/perfume/whatever USE IT. dont wait for special occasions cause it wont come and you'll probably be dead. I think im so used to living my life as though im about to die the next day.
I hate next times..and i dont know why im tearing right now..its amazing that i actually have tears left.
i shall not go into detail because whats the point of arguing? its not like anythings gonna change. i will listen to you and you will be guilty forever. end of story.
-on a happier note, which is so gay cause im not even close to happy,
me and tash went out today. um yeah shes leaving back to sg this saturday and shes bummed as ever. poor girl..anyway tmr is the airshow and we're going to watch hot pilots fly hot planes.
ok and if u guys need the schedule, its here
and my dad has the car passes so call me if you need it. ciao.