Not only dolce and gabbana, but also many other famous designers have decided to bring EQUALITY into the fashion scene. i mean, how unfair is it to only have straight models..riiiiight. anyway, its a HUGE issue in the United States on dolce and gabbana promoting this..its almost as if its normal. im not saying its wrong to be gay, im just shocked that the united states would have sucha negative reaction considering us to be rational and open minded or whatever. yeah so of course, they banned it! just give it a couple more years, chanel and dior will be promoting this too.
yeah k enough on gays and their thoughts about the world coming out to get them. for goodness sake, PRADA loves gays! you guys should be happy taking over the fashion industry.
so i just got watching the robinsons with karen and barb. sucha cute movie! now im back here going to sleep soon cause it gonna be a longgg weekend..too much work :(
take care lovelys! oh i'll put up the other banned D&G poster when i find it...its like a girl being dominated bu this half naked guy...and like 3 other guys waiting for their "turn"...its so a gangbang.
cya l8er gaters<3