I wanted a graphic explanation right there. I can't well describe you, because, you are undescribable- in a negative way of course. Oh, and the gag thing too. I'm having a hard time typing while having this urgency to throw up all over my laptop. Seriously, I thought med school queasiness, 301 interviews and hangovers were all that triggered, but my, you succeed in making me gag even at my sober state.
I think you would be an inspiration for a new diet. Move over Atkins and South Beach, we've found a better substitute for instant weight loss. Move over anorexia and bulimia, this diet sure makes everyone gag- even without food intake.
I haven't got the time to bitch lately, plus all that throwing up is costing my energy. I wish we could communicate on better terms, but I think communication is completely unnecessary at this point. So please I beg you, lets stay our separate ways.
Love, Kav