Since janelle and her fiance are off for a little vacation up in scottsdale, she kindly let me OWN her digicam..but only for the weekend. i know i spent all these money on makeup, clothes, booze and gas, i could have saved up to get my own right? i just want my old one back! ): i miss it sooo much is that hard to ask. also, its the only digicam that doesnt make me look...unglam.
but im seeing my true love this december after we've been parted for...more than a year. actually, im seeing a couple true loves this december. i should name my we're reunited...we had so much history together i swear. hahaaa im starting to sound lame. but anyway, since jan's digicam is mine for the weekend, id LOVE to show you the state of my how it usually is.. so this is NOT for the weak hearted...or the faint...old people...or pregnant women..whatever is on the rollercoaster frontboard (:
me! camwhoring before doing major cleanup! [:

my bed is somewhere under all that junk i swear. omg. wow i just realised how embarassing this is. but, i really can live in this mess. yeah....

This is my junk shelf...wait, isnt my whole room a junk shelf? yes yes it is...

interesting takes me an average of 10 mins to find my eyeliner. somewhere in there. everyday's a new adventure[:

study table?! hahah yes i do extremely constructive studying here. REALLY BELIEVE ME!

yeah here's the sideview.

here's whats inside one of my wardrobes. i cant show you the other one cause you may just stop breathing.

sideview of my bed. see that little space on the top left? yeah thats where i sleep. by the morning half the stuff on the bed will be on the floor.

FINALLY i got that off my chest. i know im a very messy lady BUT i have my reasons. now im going to do a nice cleanup to make my room at least look breathable. oh, and also that my dad is coming back from alaska today. i dont want him to take a huge black garbage bag and dump everything what he said he'd do.
we also had a deal about me being responsible and how people will react when they see the state of my room. now, im going to do myself and him a favor and be a clean organized girl. which i hope will last me at least a week [; ok, im seriously trying to change my sloppy lifestyle here, a little encouragement HELLO!
will post up pictures of breathable room later!