Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Got the guy, lost the girls

There was an article in Seventeen about this. Boyfriend over best friends. Im sorry but i just HAVE to voice my opinion out on this whether you like it or not. whether you got the guy and lost the girls or not. Its sucha stupid thing to do, really.

i remember those late night convos you know? the four-way calling, giggling about boys and whatnot. promising that we'll be friends for life. and that no guy would ever come between us. well, guess we were wrong. its funny how we blamed the guy at first, thinking that it was HIM who did this, it was HIM who ruined our friendship, it was HIM who changed you.

but no. it was you, darling. it was all you. not only did you back out on us, you backed out on your other friends who knew you longer, better and more than we did. you shut yourself out from the world and gave your boyfriend everything. we were not in the picture anymore. it hurt really bad at first, but then we realised how much of a shallow person you were.

and then we decided, we didnt need you. the same way you didnt need us.

anyway, thats a little story. so whats your opinion on this guys? would you ever betray your girlfriends over some guy you just met? would you ever ditch hanging out with ur girlies for a date with your boy? would you ditch the people who have been there for you in one of ur most hardest times ever? didnt think so.

boys are like seasons, they come and go.
friends are for life<3